Shogun is a teppanyaki restaurant found in Brossard. This Japanese style consists of a chef who cooks food on an iron griddle in front of their guest. This is a place to relax with a large group of friends, take the time to enjoy good food and laugh at the chef's joke. The chef cooks for us a wide range of proteins: high-grade steak, lobster tails, scallops, and shrimp. In short, the food was simple and delicious, but not outstanding. I feel that each protein should be cooked in their own and unique flavour. It feels like tasting the same flavour but with a different protein. I guess I am a person who likes contrasts and varieties when transitioning from one dish to another.
Our absolute favourite dish would be the baked lobster tail - delicious, well-balanced flavours and a nice succulent seafoody taste. The vanilla ice cream blended with an orange sorbet is the perfect way to cleanse our palate and end our meal.
Our absolute favourite dish would be the baked lobster tail - delicious, well-balanced flavours and a nice succulent seafoody taste. The vanilla ice cream blended with an orange sorbet is the perfect way to cleanse our palate and end our meal.
In addition to the restaurant experience, we were also invited to try out their new in-house salad dressing, now available at Le Marché des Saveurs (280 Place du Marché-du-Nord) and Les 5 Saisons (1180 Rue Bernard Ouest). Check out my review on the salad dressing on my recipe blog: Random Cuisine (Soon available).
Baked Lobster Tail, Scallops and Crab Sticks |
Vegetable soup with fried onions in chicken-based broth |
Salad with in-house Japanese Vinaigrette |
Vanilla Ice Cream and Orange Sorbet |
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In-house Salad Dressing |
6155 boulevard Taschereau
Brossard, QC
J4Z 1A6
(450) 678-3868
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